TNKids has funds available to help individuals who babysit children in their home purhase more nutritious food. The average payment is around $90.00 per month per child.
Children must be 12 years of age or younger, unless they are children of migrant workers. If they are children of migrant workers, they can participate up through age 15.
The babysitter must care for at least one child who is not their child, step-child, grandchild, sibling, step-sibling, niece, or nephew. This also includes foster children who are in their custody. They must also care for at least one child who does not live with them.
Children living with the babysitter are eligible only if the household's income is under certain limits. Click here for the income chart. The children can also be eligible if the family receives SNAP or Families First. The income requirement does not apply to foster children.
If you babysit for children in a home setting, or if your children are in day care in a home setting, call us for more information.